At Le Doggie Cool, we strive to provide a safe, social and stimulating environment for your dog during its stay.
While dogs are playing together, they run the risk of certain injuries such as scratches, cuts and sprained joints — not so different than kids playing sports at school. Such injuries are rare, however they do occur at all doggy daycares. At Le Doggie Cool, we have standard procedures to screen all dogs for behavior that are unfit for daycare or boarding. While we love all dogs, for their safety, we do not intake dogs that exhibit overly anxious or aggressive behaviors. However, even the friendliest of dogs can get into fights with other friendly dogs with very little or no warning.
In addition to injuries, it is possible for dogs to transfer illnesses such as diarrhea or canine cough, even with all required vaccinations and boosters. Just like a daycare for children, illnesses such as pink eye or the flu may occur. We take the health of your dogs very seriously, and all dogs must have the necessary vaccinations prior to check-in.
I have read and understand the following:
1. I understand that there are inherent and potential risks involved with interactions between dogs and humans, as well as between dogs and other dogs. I fully accept and assume all such risks. Except to the extent caused by Le Doggie Cool’s gross negligence or intentional misconduct, I acknowledge that Le Doggie Cool will not be liable for any claims of injury, illness, damage or death to my dog during its stay. Under no circumstances will Le Doggie Cool be liable for consequential damages.
2. I certify that all information disclosed in the registration form is complete, accurate and thorough. I have informed and shall continue to inform Le Doggie Cool on an ongoing basis any and all medical and behavioral condition. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify Le Doggie Cool from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses incurred by Le Doggie Cool arising out of or resulting from the actions of my dog during its stay at Le Doggie Cool.
3. If Le Doggie Cool determines in its sole discretion that my dog is unhealthy, undisciplined, aggressive, or exhibit behavior that may otherwise be considered dangerous to itself or others, Le Doggie Cool has the right to refuse or rescind services and may kennel my dog for the duration of its stay. LDC may refuse or rescind services if it determines that a customer behaves rudely or is otherwise disruptive to its operations.
4. I agree that, in the event my dog is not spayed/neutered, I am aware of the risks and I will not hold Le Doggie Cool liable or responsible for any unwanted pregnancy. Except to the extent caused by Le Doggie Cool’s gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
5. I will not hold Le Doggie Cool liable or responsible for any loss or damage to any of my personal belongings that I may leave with my dog whether in day care, overnight boarding, or during a bath visit. I will not hold Le Doggie Cool liable or responsible for any damage caused by my dog left at my home after it is dropped off by Le Doggie Cool.
6. I agree that all photos and video footage taken of my dog while in the care of Le Doggie Cool may be used in advertising and marketing campaigns, website images and other uses for promoting the services of Le Doggie Cool.
7. I agree that, in the event my dog appears to be ill, injured or at significant risk of experiencing a medical problem, Le Doggie Cool, in its sole discretion, may seek veterinary care of its choosing on my behalf and that I will be responsible for all expenses. I agree that Le Doggie Cool will not be liable for the actions and decisions of the veterinarian. I agree to reimburse Le Doggie Cool if direct payment to the veterinarian cannot be made. I also agree to be responsible for any reasonable fees assessed by Le Doggie Cool for emergency care and transportation. I hereby give Le Doggie Cool full access to my dog’s health record from my veterinarian.
8. I agree not to harm Le Doggie Cool’s reputation in connection with any of the actions described above and will indemnify Le Doggie Cool against such damages caused by me.
9. I agree to pay for all fees, services and products with the credit card number below, or by cash at the time I pick up my dog. I authorize Le Doggie Cool to maintain my current credit card information on file to charge for any unpaid fees, services or products.
Grooming/spa terms and conditions:
1. Matted Coats: Matted coats can severely impair the skin, making it much more vulnerable to irritation and infection. Whenever a pet is matted we will do the $20/h dematting service. However please be advised that whenever there is a matting there is an elevated risk that your dog already has an irritated skin that will be revealed once the hair is removed or that they’re going to be much more sensitive to brushing, drying and blades. Also there is a risk of nicks, cuts and abrasions due to the compromised skin and the blades having to be used so close to the skin. When pet’s are matted we have 2 options. We can either shave underneath the mats, meaning that the haircut will be as short as the mats are close to the skin. The 2nd option when pets are matted is to try and brush out or demat them. If you want a longer (or not shaved) haircut, this is what we will have to do. The groomer will advise you If it will be possible to demat your pet if is what you wish to do. In this case there will be a dematting fee which will be advised by the groomer based on time and difficulty.
2. Safety Release Form: Although accidents are very rare, there is a risk when dealing with animals. Your pet’s safety and comfort is our number one priority. In the event an accident does occur, you will be notified of the accident. If we feel it is serious, and the owner is not on-site, we will seek immediate veterinary care for your pet at the pet owner's expense. This release gives Le Doggie Spa full authorization to seek medical treatment from our preferred Veterinary Clinic.
3. Grooming Time: We are a Cage free salon, dogs are never in cages with us. Grooming times depend a lot on the individual dog and situation. Before we begin we will allow your dog some time to play relax and adjust to the space while we monitor their body language to see when they are relaxed and ready to start the grooming. We utilize play areas or personal play pens in between grooming stages as well. Grooming can take approximately anywhere from 1.5-4 hours.
4. Possible Risks: Issues like red or bloodshot eyes may be aggravated or instigated by the grooming process for a number or reason, dogs feeling stressed or tense can tense muscles to the point of popping vessels in the eye, or pulling on grooming loops during the grooming process can effect this as well. Also although we use hypoallergic shampoo and tear free shampoo on the face, eyes can be irritated in some cases when a dog is unusually sensitive. Cuts, nicks and scratches are also possible, especially when there is matting. Also, quicking of the nail is possible and more likely when a pet has black nails, or has not had a nail clipping in over 6 weeks.
5. Vaccines: Please confirm that your pet is up to date on all New York City required vaccines. If a fine is incurred due to a missing vaccine, the pet owner will be responsible for payemnt within 2 days of fine notice. *Possible Risks : Issues like red or bloodshot eyes may be aggravated or instigated by the grooming process for a number or reason, dogs feeling stressed or tense can tense muscles to the point of popping vessels in the eye, or pulling on grooming loops during the grooming process can effect this as well. Also although we use hypoallergic shampoo and tear free shampoo on the face, eyes can be irritated in some cases when a dog is unusually sensitive. Cuts, nicks and scratches are also possible, especially when there is matting. Also, quicking of the nail is possible and more likely when a pet has black nails, or has not had a nail clipping in over 6 weeks.
6. Tip: a minimum 20% Tip is required. If you don't specify how much tip you want to leave, you'll be automatically charged 20% Tip.
7. Late fee: $25 late fee (15 minutes or more).
8. Aggression fee: $25
9. No show/cancelations: $50 fee for not showing up / canceling on the same day.
Gift Card Terms and Conditions
1. Validity Period: All gift cards issued by Le Doggie Cool are valid for a period of one year (12 months) from the date of issuance. After this period, the gift card will expire and any remaining balance will no longer be redeemable.
2. Non-Transferable: Gift cards can be redeemed for any of Le Doggie Cool’s services (daycare, boarding or grooming) and must be presented at the time of payment.
3. ID Requirement: To redeem this card, a valid ID matching the name on the front of the card must be presented.
4. Non-Transferable: Gift cards cannot be exchanged for cash, resold, or transferred to another party unless explicitly authorized by Le Doggie Cool.
5. Lost or Stolen Cards: Le Doggie Cool is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged gift cards.
6. No Refunds: Gift cards are non-refundable and cannot be replaced once expired.
By purchasing or redeeming a gift card, the cardholder agrees to these terms and conditions. For further assistance or inquiries, please contact us.